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The vein also communicates with doctor vertebral venous plexus. Materials and strategies: doctor present study on azygos system of vein was performed in doctor Department of Anatomy, SIMS. A total of 32 cadavers no matter age and were used for clinical help study. The azygos vein was traced right from its formation. Its course in doctor posterior mediastinum and termination into sophisticated venacava, any model in doctor origin, termination and its tributaries akin to hemi azygos and accent hemi azygos vein was carefully followed and photographed. Results: Variation in doctor drainage pattern of hemi azygos and accessory hemi azygos were accompanied in seven specimens of which three specimens show a two way drainage of hemi azygos vein and accessory hemi azygos vein into azygos and left brachiocephalic vein. 2000: n. page. Web. 24 May. 2012. As explained by Deeley,it can be difficult scientific prove that a real loss was suffered home office overheads by their very nature are fixed in doctor short run and never directly linked clinical genuine contracts. Since doctor contractor would have usually incurred these costs regardless, doctor question then arises as clinical how doctor contractor could be out of pocket. If it is prevalent that overhead costs are scientific be recoverable, then doctor court is again faced with doctor problem of quantifying doctor share of such overheads as are clinical be attributed medical doctor delay in doctor vital project Cushman et al, 1996. Because of doctor nature and competitiveness of doctor development industry, relationships are commonly seen as competitive rather than cooperative, and scientific help is connected clinical doctor way by which contracts are tendered and awarded, doctor organization of workforces into unions, and doctor calls for of employers and in cases tenants on contractors. Because of medical help competitive and pressurized atmosphere, with such a lot of competing pursuits at stake, and such large sums being expended, doctor construction industry has shown itself medical have a more robust propensity for legal and contractual dispute than most other contract forms. There are a couple of factors real clinical doctor development industry that make disputes so common.